Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Women = Scapegoats

Got a Problem? Blame the Women...Gosh.... Tell me this is not male chauvinism...

It is only human nature to find scapegoats for every problem that pops up, be it someone involved or someone not involved. Need an example? Talking about the French Revolution, poor King Louis XVI was used as a scapegoat by the common people. The fact us, the French aristocracy was really corrupted, and pitiful Louis wasn’t strong enough against them. So, there he goes as a scapegoat, the reason of revolution and the reason of the downfall of the government. Further into the future, Jews were the scapegoats used by Hitler for various issues from diseases to political unrest. They weren’t so directly involved I think.

But, the problem I have right now at this moment (10.57pm, 7th of June 2011) is not that humans find scapegoats for every problem (well, at least it is not the biggest problem for me now). Instead, it is WOMEN used as scapegoats. From the dawn of time till now (10.59am, 7th June 2011), women are still used as pathetic excuses for the fault of anything under the sun.

Back then when science wasn’t flourishing, if you don’t get a smart/handsome/athletic baby BOY, BLAME THE WOMEN (note, this happened EVERYWHERE in the world). Ok, let’s move to the Middle East. When a female gets raped, blame the girl for not protecting herself! If a brother commits a crime in the family, send the sister to take the punishment! How about the Europe? If a baby dies during birth (most probably due to the lack of poor health/hygiene standards), burn the midwife as a witch! What happens if the husbands die shortly after marriage (due to diseases that have yet to have a cure during the medieval times)? Blame the women for bringing bad luck to the family! Now, let’s get back to the East, China. Why did King Fuchai lose his kingdom? It is because Xishi (one of the Four Chinese Beauties of ancient China) become his concubine! Why did Wu Sangui open the doors of the Great Wall at Shanhai Pass for the Manchu soldiers? It was because Chen Yuanyuan(Wu’s concubine) got caught by someone else. See the trend...? If there’s a screw-up, blame the nearest female you can...

It’s the 21st century and yet human’s barbaric nature has yet to change. So much for gender equality and women’s rights... Quoted from, ‘A senior Iranian cleric says women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes.’ Then, could the butterfly effect be the reason of the recent Japan earthquake & tsunami???? If Egypt and a host of Middle East countries are in turmoil, blame the first ladies! Be the reason ranging from corrupting the economy (yes, Suzanna Mubarak MAYBE involved in corruptions but it is still under investigations. Nonetheless, she didn’t make the policies...) to not stopping the killing of protesters (First Lady of Syria, Asma al Assad is in that position).

Getting back closer to home, the Obedient Wives Club (in my opinion) is a slap straight on the face, telling women that if you aren’t good enough in bed, you are the reason for your husband’s disloyalty. This is clearly a too simple minded way of thinking that there is only one reason for adultery. Moreover, it is a clear discrimination against women, the ones good in sex and the ones not. Hello.... this is a marriage we are talking about, not one night stand. If your boyfriend leaves you because he wants better sex, you can call him a jerk. If your husband cheats on you, you can SUE him. The law blatantly tells us that ADULTERY IS WRONG and guess who is going to get convicted? The HUSBAND and not the wife... There are many reasons for a failed marriage and saying that the women are not good enough in sex is simply unacceptable. Then can we cheat on our husbands if they cannot satisfy us in bed? Try that and someone will stress on this fact even more, women is the reason to failed marriages. So that’s number one, saying that women not being good enough in sex is the reason of failed marriages is BASELESS.

Number 2, are you saying that sex is the only thing to keep your husband at home? What more when we are told to (as quoted) “welcome them (the husbands) with sexy clothes and alluring smiles in the privacy of their homes”??? I honestly pity the children in the home in such scenarios. It is most likely a go-to-your-room-and-don’t-come-out-no-matter-what-you-hear night. The little children must be scared to death hearing the parents having panic attacks throughout the night. And yet, we wonder how our children get into pre-marital sex, teenage pregnancy and incest...

Lastly but definitely not the least, I am truly shocked to find such ideas (I’m not sure if these ideas came from females/males) against women. Those who eagerly fight for equality are now just as quickly saddened by those who wish to put women at the end of the equation, not on the other side. Perhaps it is a different view; maybe it is a different perspective, but it is definitely one that I do not want my friends and family members to believe in. For in my opinion, it is only an idea that will bring us back to once when baby girls are buried once they are born (though some are still thrown into the river in China/go unregistered and thus have no education or even the right to existence!), young girls are married off for a cow/goat and ladies stoned to death for being raped. This is not a future I want for females all around the world. So, what exactly can you do to stop this horrendous future from taking place? Please do appreciate every human (regardless man or woman) around you. If you can, go hug your mother/sister/girlfriend! :D After millennia of discrimination, female deserve something better.

*Note: this is not a hate article against testosterone driven males. Neither is it an article intended to demean anybody/organisation/belief. It is only for me to express MY OPINION. I apologise if any discomfort/anger is instigated (it is definitely not on purpose) and if any facts above are deemed questionable.

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